Board Members

Fabry International Network

As Fabry disease is a rare genetic disorder, and since there are thousands of rare diseases, it’s hard for individual patients and caregivers to be heard. Therefore, when striving for better care and cure for Fabry affected people, we need them to join forces and speak out.

That’s where FIN comes in: an independent and vibrant network of Fabry patient associations whose purpose is to collaborate, communicate and promote best practice to support those affected by Fabry disease. We back 61 patient organizations in 57 countries. We connect health professionals and we ally with industry partners. We envision a world where every single person affected by Fabry disease has the best quality of life possible through early diagnosis, treatment and cure.

Our mission is to empower Fabry affected people all over the world.

FIN is a non-profit organisation registered in The Netherlands. The administrative support is based in Belgium. The Board of Directors meet regularly either online or face-to-face. In addition, they hold regular meetings with the industry partners and medical advisors.

Industry Partners

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