April is Fabry Awareness Month!

April is Fabry Awareness Month and we’re thrilled to kick off our campaign ‘Fabry Heroes’ to shine a light on the everyday heroes battling Fabry disease.

By giving people with Fabry a superhero mask, we applaud their strength, courage, and never-give-up attitude. Join FIN in celebrating the #FabryHeroes and share their brave stories. Let’s spread awareness and show our appreciation together!

Show your support
The best way to express your solidarity during #FabryHeroesMonth is by engaging on social media.
Simply liking, sharing, and commenting on our posts about Fabry Heroes can make a big difference in spreading awareness and educating others.

We also encourage you to share your own messages of support. You can use the hashtag #FabryHeroes to join the larger conversation about Fabry Awareness Month and share your own stories of hope and resilience.