What is Face2Gene and how can it help?

Every patient is unique, so healthcare providers gather as much information as they can to review each case. Face2Gene has technology that helps clinicians capture and review information, access helpful resources, and even get advice from other experts. It all starts with a simple photo.

Why should you share a photo?

Physical features – including facial structure, shape, and form – can tell a healthcare provider a lot about a potential medical condition. Many features, like the color of your eyes and the shape of your eyebrows, may be passed down through your parents, while others may be a result of your unique genetics. In genetic evaluations, it is very important to look at all of these features, because we know that physical features or patterns can help us find the correct diagnosis and cause.

How does it work?

Using a photo, Face2Gene can detect important measurements and features which are then compared with those of thousands of known syndromes. Based on the results, Face2Gene will give the healthcare provider information that may help identify possible syndromes or genetic conditions. Fabry is currently not one of those syndromes because not enough photos of patients at different ages have been analyzed. With your help, we may be able to train Face2Gene to recognize Fabry patients earlier.

Click here to help patients to get diagnosed earlier

*Face2Gene is a search and reference tool provided for informational purposes and not intended to replace the clinician’s judgment or experience, nor should it be used to diagnose or treat medical conditions.